Monday, September 1, 2008


just practicing to make sure the skills learnt are not lost

Sunday, July 6, 2008

melanie's wedding

the three kids at the wedding

the whole family

the new family member....surrounded

Friday, May 9, 2008

the 23rd thing

Once I understood that I didn't have to be good at web 2.0, but just be aware of all it has to offer, I enjoyed the process and learnt along the where's my laptop!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

week 9 eAudiobooks

a whole world of stories available to listen to.....FANTASTIC
eAudiobooks increases a libraries collection tenfold without being hindered by any physical restraints, eg. shelving/building size. Collections can remain current with greater variety. Little library services could offer a more complete range within their collections such as LOTE. Remote communities would be able to enjoy ebooks and not worry about having to return them

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

week 9:podcasts

this is a link to a podcast from podcast alley on fitness. Any topic you are interested in seems to have a podcast about it. Library customers can access podcasts on authors, books they are interested in and on libraries in general. This is one more way of using the web to gather information. I have put an rss feed for a podcast into my bloglines account. Free downloadable programs like Audacity enables anyone to make a podcast.the web makes learning an even playing field.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

week 9 podcasts, video and downloadable audio
Youtubes most prominent feature seems to be to have fun while you learn. Its application in the library can be for research purposes, exposure to new ideas in the library world or just purely for the customers entertainment. The youtube link above is for an author and his latest pop-up books. Pop-books are fantastic even though their life span in a public library may not be the longest.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

week 8: web 2.0 awards this is a free site where you can publish a book, buy a book and sell a book. It is also a social connecting site and can help you get employment in the book world.
Another winner in the 2.0 awards is 'google docs and spreadsheets'. It is similar to zoho writer. Using google docs 'notebook' means you can access 'bookmark' info that you have noted down for future reference while at work, as well as any other info that you want to deal with later from any internet service at any time and place

Friday, April 18, 2008

week 8: online applications & tools

see the following link for an excellent online productivity tool
These online applications break the stranglehold that microsoft has over those wanting to use word processing, spreadsheets etc
The down side is you have to access to the internet to use them but they do allow you to work off line. If I had completed week 8 a week ago I would not have put microsoft word onto my new computer. A program like zoho writer would have more than met my needs. In the library world it means internet customers would have access to a variety of tools through the net and the library would have no need to have a licensing agreement with microsoft etc to provide these services

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

week 7: learning 2.0 sandbox wiki

practice makes perfect....after a false start I was able to successfully play in the learning 2.0 sandbox wiki. The skills needed to play in the sandbox wiki are the same as in any sandpit - learning to share and to tidy up ready for the next person to play

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

week 7:wikis

The following link is to Princeton public library book lovers wiki. This is one way a library can use wiki to expand its services to the public. A major concern with wikis is that the information can be changed at any time, by any one. In a book lovers wiki this would not be a disadvantage as people would be able to read both negative and positive reviews of the book and then make up their own minds as to whether they want to read it. It would become an informal book chat within the library community.

A wiki site connected to the library could also be used as a forum for its members so that all staff could have input eg. for setting up 'green practises' within each branch. A meeting of the green team could then be conducted within the wiki

As wikis can be edited at any time, using them as a reference tool in the library would have to be done with discretion and thoughtful practice

Saturday, April 5, 2008

week 6

The following is from an article written by Dr Wendy Schultz.......

What are libraries? Libraries are not just collections of documents and books, they are conversations, they are convocations of people, ideas, and artifacts in dynamic exchange. Libraries are not merely in communities, they are communities: they preserve and promote community memories; they provide mentors not only for the exploration of stored memory, but also for the creation of new artifacts of memory. What was the library of the past? A symbol of a society that cared about its attainments, that treasured ideas, that looked ahead multiple generations. Librarians were stewards, trainers, intimate with the knowledge base and the minds who produced it. Librarians today are not just inventory management biobots: they are people with a unique understanding of the documents they compile and catalog, and the relationships among those documents.

Library 2.0 can make a 'little' library service into bigger, better one. The 'little' library is not limited by the size of its collection, a remote location or how many people use it.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

week 6 - applying new skills

As we move through web 2.0 its a good feeling when we are able to use skills that have been aquired to help customers in the library. The ability to understand the information and then apply it in the workplace shows the value of the course. Recognising the terms and understanding their application when searching a web site refines how you access the exact information you need

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

week 6: tagging, folksonomies & technorati

A whole new vocabulary to learn - interface widget, global vs local, tag cloud are just a few. Those that can call themselves 'digital natives' would already be 'in the know' but for those of us who are still learning it is a journey of new worlds and new skills.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

week 5 rollyo

practice makes perfect.....tried the optional exercise for rollyo and was unsuccessful, tried it again and SUCCESS!!! It needs a spell check but its there

Thursday, March 13, 2008

week 5 rollyo

I have put in the following link to my rollyo search tool. A customized search tool would enable you to keep up to date with all the latest ideas for your work place or just to have fun

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

week 5 library thing a great site to source new books to read and share with others

week 5: play week

week 5 = play time
the following link would be a lot fun to use for a school holiday activity in the library. The children would be able to create their own name tags and learn a new skill at the same time all by playing and having fun

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

flicka - summer reading club

Summer....a great time for reading. Children were encouraged to be super heroes and read 10 books over the summer. The display showed the children the prizes they could win. Check out Barbie and Ken on the top shelf.

flicka - christmas in the library

The story time children made these santa faces for craft in the lead up to christmas 2007. Sometimes it is hard for them to leave their craft so we reached a compromise - a christmas stamp of their choice on their hand, if they left their craft to be displayed in the library. The display was effective and easily created a christmas feel for the library. The snowflake hanging in the window was made by 2 boys who were leaving story time to go to school the next year.

back to flicka

I have had sent to my work email photos that were taken of the christmas activity in the library. I would like to put them into my blog but have run into a problem and don't see to be able to get it there

week 4: RSS and newsreaders

setting up a bloglines newsreader account and learning about rss feeds is a whole new way to streamline the accessing of valuable information. The feed I chose 'the shifted librarian' , is only one of many feeds that can be accessed to keep me up to date with the latest library developments

Monday, March 3, 2008


thanks to Kiwicakes and pancakemeow for the use of their photos

Bowls of love! on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Bowls of love! on Flickr - Photo Sharing! I think I'm seeing a theme emerging here FOOD!!!!!!! but maybe just maybe its upload first photo to learn, upload second photo to confirm what I have learnt and upload third photo to set it in concrete. Let's hope anyway

week 3: photos and images

this weeks 'thing' will be a great tool for when I travel overseas later this year as I will be able to keep the family posted with lots of fun photos of our trip

Flickr: Photos from Kiwi Cakes

Flickr: Photos from Kiwi Cakes love the cupcakes. one of my favorite cookbooks is the women's weekly cupcake book so I thought this was an ideal first image to upload onto my blog. Must say though, my daughter Lisa's cupcakes are just as splendiferous

week 2: blogging

My first foray into web 2.0. Let the journey begin